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  • Why Women Should Buy Life Insurance Policies


    Major reasons why women, like men, need to have financial protection from life insurance coverage by buying life insurance policies.

    Edited highlights

    0:30 It is as important to buy life insurance for women as it is for men

    1:01 Women need to buy life insurance whenever they financial dependents to take care of

    1:42 It is a great time buy life insurance for a young woman in her first job

    1:48 More so, if the young woman has financial dependents

    1:52 The same would be true if the young woman expects financial dependents in the future like aged parents

    2:14 It is very easy to get life insurance early in life. There are less stringent requirements and procedure

    2:22 You women need to pay low life insurance premium and this can be even lower in case of online term plans

    2:39 Pure term plans that provide high life coverage at a low premium

    3:10 While buying life insurance make full and accurate disclosures about yourself

    3:37 Avoid mixing life insurance and investment with life insurance-cum-investment plans.

    3:45 Just stick to buying adequate life insurance only since life insurance-cum-investment plans have charges

    4:16 Women shouldn't buy life insurance policy to save only tax

    4:35 When a woman gets married, she needs to make changes in the life insurance policy details like nomination

    5:12 Married women need to figure out how much life insurance coverage the family needs to be financially secure

    5:25 Life insurance coverage has to be such that it can cover the regular and future expenses for the surviving spouse

    6:12 In case of a huge pay disparity among spouses, the spouse earning more could take care of the life insurance coverage

    6:20 Remember what is important is not the number of life insurance policies your family has but the life insurance coverage

    6:53 In case the woman is home maker, it is crucial for the spouse earning to ensure that there is adequate life insurance

    7:04 Women entrepreneurs need to have adequate life insurance to cover their businesses

    7:21 Women can consider Keyman Insurance Policies offered by leading life insurance companies

    7:33 Women need to ensure that whenever the family takes a loan, life insurance coverage is enhanced

    7:39 Women need to also ensure higher protection for the family when there is an addition of a family member such as the birth of a child