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  • Form 26AS Demystified


    This video discusses about Form 26AS whose information is crucial during filing income tax return

    Edited highlights
    0:26 This video discusses about Form 26AS whose information is crucial during income tax filing

    0:59 Form 26AS is very important when you are filing your income 
    tax return

    1:04 Form 26AS is a credit statement of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)

    1:19 This is under Section 203AA. Whenever tax is getting deducted at source from any source of income be it is your employer or any of your investments or bank interest

    1:33 The tax deductions are getting recorded and the tax deductions will need to be actually made

    1:52 One needs to check this aspect in one's Form 26AS

    2:10 If there has been some advance tax or self-assessment tax payment made during the year, the record needs to be there in Form 26AS

    2:27 You can get to Form 26AS with the help of a financial or tax advisor or go to the income tax filing site