Look Beyond Tax Savings In A Health Insurance Plan

The major aspects other than tax saving, that you need to remember while buying a health insurance plan. Why you need look much beyond just saving tax when it comes to medical insurance.

Edited Highlights 
0:46 One of the most common mistakes that people make is to buy health insurance plans only for tax savings

1:44 You need to buy health insurance regardless of tax benefits

2:21 While buying a health insurance policy find out how it is dealing with pre-existing diseases

2:31 Health insurance policies cover your pre-existing diseases after a span of time like 2, 3 or 4 years

2:40 Opt for a medical insurance policy with least restriction in this matter

2:49 Keep an eye on the cap on the hospital room rent by the medical insurance plan

3:10 Remember, your health insurance plan should be able to easily cover your hospital room rent

3:48 Look out for health insurance policies that restore the sum insured even after making a claim

3:55 Also, look out for incentives that the health insurance policy offers for not making a claim

4:02 There are policies that will give you 100% of sum insured as incentive for not making a claim

4:25 In health insurance plans, find out the benefits you will get for the premium you will pay

4:43 It is equally important for you to know what your health insurance policy will not cover

5:08 You get different tax deductions for the health insurance premiums you pay for yourself and parents

5:47 Don't buy a health insurance plan where you don't know it offers besides just saving tax

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