Once you have taken the benefit
of the education loan by taking the higher education course of your choice, you
need to deal with your repayment obligations. True, you get annual tax
deduction for the interest payment for your education loan under Section 80E,
but the repayment still pegs your investment plans for future needs. When you
are repaying an education loan, you are busy paying for your past instead of
planning for the future. So, what should be your approach towards the repayment
of your education loan?
Repay education loan at the earliest After the education loan moratorium, you can start repaying the
education loan. You can pay as per your income in a particular year. So, if you
are getting into a higher tax slab, you can come down to a lower tax slab with
enhanced education loan repayment. This is likely to be true for those in their
early career. If you had taken a mid-career course and have benefitted with
higher pay after the new educational training, you can step up the education
loan repayment as well.