4 Dangers Of Buying Physical Gold

  Author: Kundan Kishore

Gold has traditionally been one of the most popular asset classes in India. Many people consider it as secure and among high growth investments. Typically, Indians used to invest in gold either in the form of gold jewellery or gold biscuits and coins. Gold might be a glittering temptation for investors but there are some dangers too associated with buying gold.


Purity It is very difficult for a common man to gauge the purity of gold unless you are a goldsmith. So, there is a fair chance of you can be let down a sweet-talking gold showroom salesman. So, your 24 carat gold may not necessarily be so.


Storage One of the biggest dangers associated physical gold is its safekeeping and storage. In order to secure your physical gold from prying and envying eyes of people, you need a bank locker.  This means annual charges of Rs 3,000-6,000 or more.


Liquidity Selling the physical gold, especially during distress, will not necessarily give you the market price. For instance, if you buy physical gold from a bank, you cannot sell it back. You will need to sell it to jewellers. They may not offer you the best price attributing it deficiency in purity and weight.

Discounted price In India, people have typically bought gold in the form of jewellery. If you sell jewellery, you typically sell it discount since you need to give up the making charges component of the price. This means that you sell jewellery at a discount.

While physical gold investments have traditionally provided a sense of security to people, truth is that people have faced substantial challenges in benefitting from its appreciation. At FundooMoney, we recommend gold investments through “paperless’ route of gold mutual funds and gold exchange traded funds (ETFs)