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  • Pre-Existing Diseases In Health Insurance Explained

    Date: 07-07-2018
    Views: 976

    This video will discuss pre-existing diseases in health insurance policies or health insurance plans

    Edited highlights 
    0:04 This video will discuss pre-existing diseases in health insurance policies or health insurance plans

    1:28 People get perturbed by the conditions of pre-existing illnesses in health insurance plans

    1:45 Insurance companies will cover risks that have an uncertainty. That is one of the principles of insurance

    1:58 Risks which are certain will not be covered

    2:18 In this context, insurance companies say that if you are suffering from a certain disease or illness, then these illnesses are not covered

    2:25 In some cases, they may not give any health insurance in case of some dreaded illnesses like cancer

    2:39 At the same time, not all pre-existing illnesses debar a person from taking the health insurance plan

    2:54 There are pre-existing diseases which don't have such serious consequences, the insurance companies say that they cover those illnesses also but after a certain "cooling period"

    3:04 So, the insurance may cover these pre-existing diseases or illnesses after 3 years of the policy

    3:11 Some insurance companies cover these pre--existing diseases after 3 years and some after 4 years

    3:23 Some even have a clause of 2 years. The coverage starts after the insured person has remain continuously been associated with the insurance company for some years

    3:44 So, insurance companies can refuse any kind of insurance. Or, they could give you insurance except those pre-existing diseases which will not be covered lifelong

    3:51 The other option is that those pre-existing illnesses will be covered by 3-4 years of "cooling period"

    4:12 One of the reasons why health insurance claims get rejected is because of the clause of pre-existing illnesses

    4:25 While filling up the health insurance form, one shouldn't hide pre-existing diseases which is a material fact   

    4:52 If you hide a pre-existing disease and the insurance company gets to know about it, it will reject your health insurance claim

    5:06 It is better to exclude a pre-existing disease from the health insurance coverage rather than to get your claim rejected for it